Children’s House 2

Hello Ch2 friends and family,
Happy Valentine’s Week This week we really focused on why we celebrate Valentine’s day and things we love. Ch2 did an amazing job coming up with ways to show love! We made a few posters and LOTS of Valentine’s. A lot of us have been working on drawing and cutting out hearts. We played a lot with pink water – pouring, using droppers and freezing it in heart shaped ice cubes. We read a cute Valentine’s version of baby shark and practiced a new poem called “5 Little Hearts”. We also learned how to play tic tac toe! On Wednesday we used clay to make heart shaped pendants with our fingers prints and did a really cool Valentine’s themed obstacle course.

Thank you for another great week. Next week is presidents week and we will be focusing a lot on money, the branches of American government, and what it means to be a leader!

Have a great weekend!
Ms. Gabby

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