Childrens House 1

This week in Childrens House 1 we enjoyed learning about recycling and our earth!
On Monday we talk about how to sort our trash into the recycling, compost, and garbage. We also painted the recycling sign.
On Tuesday our friends created masterpieces with recycled materials! We discussed how we can reuse items at school and ate home to give them a second life and to reduce waste!
On Wednesday we continue talking about recycling and we created beautiful collage with recycling pictures. We also used recycling materials to incorporate in large muscle activity. Our friends used an empty milk cartons to check the weight when the bottles filled with water. We also enjoyed tossing paper to the recycling garbage bin.
On Thursday we painted our plates with colors of earth with a clothes pin and a cotton ball. Our preschoolers also practiced cutting strips of paper with pictures of a recycling sign.
On Friday we painted earth again but using water colors and quips!



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