Childrens House 1

This week our theme was Author Study- Jan Brett. We read stories written and illustrated by her- The Mitten, The Hat, Snow Bears, and Gingerbread Friends.

We did the letter k- we did water coloring and also we cut paper keys with scissors and pasted on the letter k. We had fun dancing to music and we did the parachute with bean bags and did the Freeze dance too.

For collective time we did the Pledge, weather, calendar and counting from 1-50. Older children wrote their names on their own and did individual advanced Montessori activities. (Addition strip Board, movable alphabet).
Please remember to check your child’s cubby for extra clothes. Due to the extreme cold weather, please remember to send water proof mittens, snow pants, hat, boots and winter jacket.

Have a great weekend!
Ms. Yasmin and Ms. Komal

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